A new beginning..
My Bio.
Published on March 3, 2004 By decadent-soul In Misc

I'm a 20 year old fashion student that has learnt that life isn't as bad as it seems. Went through a rough patch but i'm slowly sowing it up, excuse the pun :]. I no longer live with my parents and value my idenpendace, Single and have been for a long while now, not really looking, more waiting.

EBM, Industrial, dark wave and pretty much anything electornic are my genres of choice. I relate to and enjoy the music generated. Yes I have an attitude, don't you? I see myself as a decent guy, not good but not bad, you do well by me, I'll do well by you. I'd see my "fuse" as medium to long. I can take only so much.

I'm not smart but I’m not stupid. I don't use or like stereotypes, I believe they are shallow and misconceived on the most part. I don't mind arguing about legitimate subjects but don't waste my time on petty things. I was raised a gentleman so that is what I am.. Most of the time, I still burp and fart, I'm only human. I reside with my Great Aunty [grandfather's Sister], my Aunty [mother's sister] and Steve, my current Room mate and live on the net. I listen to music almost 24/7, situation allowing. I'm not very active or out going. I'm not a book so in reading this, don't assume to know me, I also don't like assumption.

I like all things cute and cuddley, fluffy and sharp. Buckles and straps drive me wild, Knee high boots and trench coats weaken my knee's. If I don't make sense, your not listening right. I like advice when genuine. I can't say I believe or have faith in god or religion. I love purple and Black, I also like purple's two primary colours, but not as much. I don’t like violence but I know how to use it. I detest bullies, in any shape or form.

Don't follow government issues, can't stand braggers, bullshit artists or shaven poodles. I eat meat and veggies, as a guest I eat what I'm given and don't complain...In front of them. My sense of humor is broad, profanity alone is not humor.

A jack of all trades, master of none. A blissful nightmare, a burdened "decadent soul". A hundred piece puzzle made up of a thousand pictures, named Blake.

Favourite quotes:
-"Mortal remains kept by a machanical beat" Wumpscut - Tell me why.

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